Kerusso is the Greek word meaning "to herald (as a public crier), especially divine truth (the Gospel); preach, proclaim, publish". For more than 25 years, Kerusso has been heralding, preaching and proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ through Kerusso Christian T-Shirts, Caps, Jewelry, Gifts, and Accessories. As one of the original pioneers of T-Shirt Evangelism, Kerusso set the standard and is today the leading producer of Christian T-Shirts.
Kerusso's Mission
The mission of Kerusso is simple - Proclaiming the Good News to the world through products about Jesus. While Christian T-Shirts are the primary way that Kerusso fulfills this mission, we also produce other products that carry out this mission. These products include: Christian Hats, Christian Hoodies, Christian Jewelry, Christian Toys, Christian Accessories and Christian Gifts.
Kerusso's History
Kerusso’s President and CEO, Vic Kennett, founded the company in 1987. Starting with a $1000 family loan and three Christian T-Shirt designs, Kerusso was born in a spare room of the Kennett house. Vic placed an ad in Campus Life magazine and began a mail-order business. While still working full-time as a carpenter, he would check the mail for orders during his lunch breaks. When he had enough orders, he’d take them to a local screen printer to print. Barely breaking even with this approach, he almost quit - but was encouraged by his sister not to give up.
He decided that selling Wholesale Christian T-Shirts might be a better route, and took two days off of work to visit Christian Retail Stores in the area near his Eureka Springs, Arkansas home. He discovered there was a demand, added a few more designs, and tracked down a sales group to carry his designs to the Christian Retail market.
Styles, design trends and color palettes change rapidly, but using T-Shirts as a clever way to share your faith doesn’t change! Vic says, “Message is number one, and if you can mesh that with current trends you have an impactful combination that will capture people’s attention and hopefully change a life!”
Year after year, Kerusso is recognized by retailers as the #1 supplier of Christian T-Shirts. But Beyond that great honor, an even greater honor is hearing the stories of T-Shirt Evangelists sharing their faith and bringing people to Christ because of a conversation that was sparked by the message that was communicated through a Kerusso Christian T-Shirt. To God be the glory!
T-Shirt Evangelism through #Kerusso
In Mark 16:15 Jesus said; “…Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone.” (NLT) With Kerusso Christian T-Shirts, doing your part to fulfill the great commission Jesus gave us to do is fulfilling, fun and life-changing. According to Impressions magazine (the leading apparel decorating supplier magazine) a graphic T-Shirt will be read as many as 3,000 times in its existence. T-Shirt Evangelism is a powerful method of proclaiming the Good News! Kerusso has reached the world with over 14,000,000 t-shirts and caps – if each shirt was read only 100 times (30 times less than the study indicates) , then Kerusso apparel wearers have preached the gospel more than 1.4 BILLION times! Now that’s world changing potential – Praise God!
#Kerusso's Headquarters
Today the Kerusso campus occupies 10 acres, which is home to over 65,000 square feet of manufacturing and office space. Kerusso is one of the top employers in Berryville, Arkansas, providing jobs to more than 100 “Team Kerusso” members. Our goal is to be a light in our community.
#Kerusso Gives Back
Kerusso has always been a giving company, strongly committed to giving back to the work of the Kingdom. After the events of 9/11, Kerusso was able to give $20,000 to the American Red Cross and The Salvation Army relief funds. Kerusso has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars, and thousands of Christian T-Shirts to churches, boys and girls’ ranches, prison ministries, women’s shelters, disaster relief efforts and other charities nationwide.
In 2005, Kerusso named Compassion International as the non-profit organization to receive a portion of the proceeds from our “Live For Him” project. To date, Kerusso has donated over $375,000 to Compassion through the sales of Live For Him products which include Live For Him Red Wristbands, Live For Him T-Shirts, Live For Him Caps and Live For Him Jewelry.
I was blessed to have the chance to host a product review sponsored by the kind folk's at
Thank you goes to both
Kerusso & to a very kind Elizabeth :))
First let me say that, I truly love the idea behind what they stand for at
If we as Christian's and people everywhere can spread the word of the gospel , to others in a positive, cheerful way while letting our voices be heard through singing praises of Jesus Christ, and what he has done for us then, I am all for doing just that.
There are many ways each day in our lives while spent here on this earth, that we were blessed with for only a short time that we can stay positive , stay focused and let others know about Jesus Christ and all that he has already done for us and the sacrifices that he made for us so that we can be with him someday in heaven by believing in him & giving him our heart through believing in him with faith.
And kindness, encouragement through faith, can be shown in the simplest of ways to others. From a gentle hand shake of thanks, to a thank you spoken to or with someone in prayer.
The bibles written scriptures, lead us each day with what they say of how God wants us to treat others. And some people you may see or come across in your daily life that you don't even know but your heart tells you to reach out to them in what ever way it is that Jesus the son of God is leading you to do for them with a kind gesture of faith, can be a difference in both their life & yours by what kind word or deed that you show to them. And may change there otherwise lost path in direction.
And one positive way, is to spread the word of Jesus Christ through written phrases of bible scripture.
And what better way than to think positive in "WWJD" meaning >> (What Would Jesus Do) by letting others see those written scriptures on the clothes you could wear & spread the true gospel word through a positive spoken, yet also unspoken, appearing attitude.
I think in doing so, not only do you that wear those messages of faith, enjoy & carry a positive & thoughtful attitude around within yourselves by the messages they convey.
But it also gifts others to see them, read them, think about & take to heart what the "said" scripture really means. And may reach someone who is lost, lonely, dis-heartened, carries hatred or bitterness within themselves or a non believer , gain faith to know that Jesus loves them, payed a sacrifice for them so that they can be forgiven, become a new life person through him by coming to him & have everlasting life through him, in "faith".
I also feel there are lots of places in this world that need these positive messages of faith shown. In schools, where bullies may need a true word of faith spoken, in the work place, where you may be surrounded by those who curse, show dishonesty, etc. The positive words these written scriptures convey, may change the way those very people think & feel. And steer them on the right path to know the love of Jesus both in there lives here with family & friends and have everlasting love through the faith that Jesus can put into there minds, hearts and souls.
There are so many things in this world like the books read, movies made and viewed that do just the opposite and lead us further away from the gospel words spoken, preached and practiced by Jesus Christ the son of God. Our past times are spent reading books of fantasy, watching TV series or movies that intrigue you with survival, battle, etc. I too have been guilty of watching a few of those movies. But soon realize that they brought me no real meaning of what the world I live in here is about or the day to come after this life here on earth will be gone, that I want to spend and be in the presence of God in heaven.
I know every one has their own view points on these subjects. But I feel that when this world here on earth has ended and your blessed to be in heaven with our savior Jesus Christ through faith.
That all the movies or books that you wasted time on here, that dealt in meanings of darkness, vampires, zombies, lustful passion with your mind or thoughts on others besides the one person that God wants you to be faithful to such as your spouse, bloody fighting etc. Will not be a part of heaven or the goodness that Jesus was, is or wants us to be both here and in heaven with him.
And so, so many of the true written bible scriptures, speak that fact to us clearly.
They each help guide us, as what to kindly say, feel, and practice to others everyday in our lives. For our family members of our husbands, our children, friends, sisters, brothers, mothers, etc.
One of my favorite bible scriptures are:
Luke 6:31
And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise
which simply means : Do to others as you would have them do to you.
This is exactly what I believe & feel about Jesus Christ
As does #Kerusso :Read on
About Jesus
Kerusso is proclaiming the Good News to the world through products about Jesus. But, what’s the big deal about Jesus? Why would a company devote their entire mission and lives to creating products that talk about this man?
The founder of Kerusso, Vic Kennett, grew up with almost no knowledge of God’s Word. By the 5th grade he was a self proclaimed atheist. Vic remembers thinking that miracles and God could not be true – after all science had “proven” that. While at school one day the Gideons were handing out little New Testaments and Vic took one while his fellow atheists glared at him.
Throughout Vic’s early teens he would lay awake at night, gripped with sadness about death. He would think about his parents’ inevitable fate as well as his own as he lay awake in fear. You see, an atheist has no hope beyond this life.
At fifteen years old Vic was at a yard sale with his mom. Not being much of a reader growing up it was out of character for him to be drawn to books of any kind, let alone a book with a title like The Late Great Planet Earth, but like a magnet it drew him. He bought the book for twenty-five cents and began to read. The evidence set forth in the pages of that book brought him intelligently to the point of taking a step of faith. It told of the many prophecies in the Old Testament that had their fulfillment in the person of Jesus of Nazareth hundreds of years later. The statistical impossibility of all those prophecies being fulfilled in one person made a believer out of Vic.
So if “prophecy” was real, then a creator God who knows the end from the beginning was possible. Who else could make such predictions except an all knowing God?
As Vic finished that book he let the author and the Holy Spirit lead him in prayer, confessing Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He had accepted and believed that God, the God of the universe (who he had once denied) sent Jesus Christ to die on a cross for the forgiveness of sins and that He was raised from the dead.
After praying that prayer Vic began to read the Bible, that same small New Testament that he accepted in the 5th grade.
Here’s how to come into a relationship with Jesus Christ
Know that God loves you and desires a relationship with you.
"God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Recognize that your sin has separated you from God.
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
"The wages of sin is death" [spiritual separation from God]. Romans 6:23
Jesus Christ is God’s only solution for our sin. Through Jesus we experience God’s love and forgiveness.
Jesus Died For Us.
"God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
Jesus Rose From the Dead
"Christ died for our sins...He was buried...He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures...He appeared to Peter, then to the twelve. After that He appeared to more than five hundred...” 1 Corinthians 15
Jesus Is the Only Way to God
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.” John 14:6
We must receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and if we do this – God cleanses us.
We Must Receive Christ
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - John 1:12
We Receive Christ Through Faith
"By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast.” Ephesians 2:8
We Receive Christ by Personal Invitation
[Christ speaking] "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him.” Revelation 3:20
Receiving Christ involves repenting (turning from your sin) and turning to God and trusting Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins. It’s not enough to just agree mentally that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for your sins. You receive Jesus Christ by faith, as an act of the will. – Luke 5:32 and Romans 10: 9, 10
You can receive Christ right now by faith through prayer!
Prayer is simply talking with God. God doesn’t make a big deal about the words you choose as much as He does about the attitude of your heart. Here’s a simple prayer but feel free to use your own words as you express your desire for Christ to come into your life.
"Father, I need You. Thank You for sending your Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins. Come into my life, I confess Jesus as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of my life. I surrender my heart, mind and body to you – fulfill Your purposes through me...”
If you prayed this prayer and sincerely meant it then Christ will come into your life as He promised.
My 9 year old grandson has recently spoken in prayer with God, this same prayer & ask him into his heart. He is so loved by God & his family. Knowing that he wanted God in his heart, thoughts, and daily life as he grows and becomes a child of God and man of his own, touches my heart with such love for him and our heavenly father.
And back to why I'm here today.........I like the thought of.........
POSITIVE Messages :))
Of Faith ~ Conveyed ~ To others
And I myself, seeked out to this company that I found called
in hopes to do just that & convey positive messages of Faith, by enjoying the many
great designed choices they offer in T-Shirts & more. It was really hard to pick from the choices they do offer. I say that because, the scripture on each one was so "right-on" in the meaning & I loved them all. And the way they design that message in Font Styles, Lettering, Coloring, or the graphic design that matched the Title or Scripture in which they wish to convey, was again, so true, pretty & hard to decide on just one. Some of their designs are just a written font design, yet others can "visually" tell the story by the graphic design that it has to "match" the meaning of the bible scripture written on the T-Shirt.
But.....given the chance to choose the one I wanted for myself, I chose this one ,which I love.
It is light weight & very comfortable to wear.
I thought for sure my grandson would have chosen the T-shirt of
" Fishers of Men 3 - Christian T-Shirt"
Which he also said he loved :)
And I loved it too. This is one of the designs I was speaking of earlier than tells a story in the beautiful graphic design on the T-Shirt
He really liked his choice. Half asleep but ready for school lol :)
A closer look at the design on the front![](
I know what gifts to get him now & think I will buy him that
" Fishers of Men 3 - Christian T-Shirt" next...He & his dad are true fishermen in deed :)
I love this design too!
They have so many choices to pick from for all sizes and ages.![](
More designs for Youth Boys (Note** some of my attached pictures of the items from the Kerusso web site are BIG to view. I don't know why that is but, sometimes bigger is better so, at least you can see them clearly, so that's a good! ;) so enjoy viewing them as you scroll and read and visit their awesome web site to see more designs in items that are not listed nor shown here.
Don't forget the Girls too!
They have PLUS Sizes for both men & Women up to size 3X & 4X
Ladies first please....;)
And some have designs on both the front & back's!
I love this one! Are you a western kinda gal? Maybe this one was meant for you & your country style? ![](
That just barely touches the surface of the T-Shirts you can choose from in sizes & designs.
There's still more great items like
hats "just click here to see more"!
Can't forget the positive & inspiring "Bling Bling" in
Lots of #Jewelry choices found with #Kerusso <<<just click there to see more!
Like this COOL Key Cover that has to offer
We also reviewed this fun & cool item from #Kerusso
in Christian Key Covers
Just a low price of $3.99. Why do
I "we" love this item? Because as you can see here pictured below, I carry a lot of keys. I try to lighten my key load, but we have 3 vehicles, storage sheds, my work shop, garage, etc. And my grandson & I are always forgetting something that we have to "run back" to his house for in school things, fishing fun things etc. And this handy, happy & reminding item that Jesus loves us, helps us to identify his house key to quickly use. Instead of trying to identify it by painting the top of it with red fingernail polish like I usually do just to have the paint wear off. We usually try to find by it's bent structure lol, but can now we clearly know which key it is to grab & use.
It's made of durable rubber too, that just CAPS Over you key then you run the whole at it's top through your key ring to keep & use it. This helps me to remember while driving to be kind, keep my cool, & most of all be patient. Something that is very hard to do when we think we have to rush to be here or there or come across other drivers who for whatever reasons can be rude etc. And seeing the phrase helps me remember the meaning behind John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
My 9 year old grandson's very best friend, made him this last year in Sunday School. And he keeps it in his desk here at my house. This summer just a few weeks ago, they both went to VBS together, and my grandson really enjoyed it. He ask me to take him to our local Christian book store. Where he bought himself his own bible & a few WWJD items to share with his best friend.
It's wonderful to know and have a best friend who thinks of you, prays for you. And he will hopefully never loose this special drawing that his best friend made just for him, with him & God's love for him, in mind. And with a thoughtful gesture like this that will be remembered both in his mind and heart, if he did loose it as the years pass, he will always still remember it and work hard each day, to remember it and the meaning behind it.
Well folk's, that just about sums up my likes, thoughts & feelings, about this new found company that I ran across as of lately. I'm glad that I did, glad that I took the time to view there mission & reason for having the web site. Glad that I myself contacted the kind people behind the staff of Glad that they blessed my request to honor them in hosting a product review of the T-shirts & more that exist for sale at great prices with really one true reason & mission in mind, which to cheerfully share the word of the Gospel to others :)
My blogger & personal disclose to you today for this product review is to simply say that No, I was not ask to do this review, nor paid anything for bringing this post to you to read, see & become knowledgeable about with I seeked them out & ask to review there products & was blessed with a kind yes. And given the chance & choice to pick my review products to facilitate this post. And, I want you to know about them too. Why they are in business, what their mission is & how much I liked what they stand for & the products they offer.
We all have our own beliefs & opinions. I gave you both of mine here today honestly. Thank you for stopping by, for hearing what I had to say. Take it with you if you choose to, and if it can guide you closer to Jesus Christ, then that & he alone within a wonderful thing! :)
God Bless you all :) And If you wish to visit, like, or buy from
Just Click on there reachable web site found Here
where you can choose if you wish, by clicking on the links you wish to follow to:
Or Maybe you want to contact